Monday, June 30, 2008

Tuesday - "Tenderheartedness"

Ephesians 4:32 (NLT) “32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”

In our efforts this week to be kind, we are learning there is much more to it than just being nice. If we want be more like Christ, that are two key components to our character that are required: compassion and empathy.

Compassion means caring at a much deeper level than just kindness... it is much more than just being nice. It requires us to get actively involved in the lives of those Christ has put in our path. Unfortunately, we live in a world where compassion is uncommon. Just like in the story of the good Samaritan, many of us choose to walk on the other side of the road rather than help those that need our help. If we are going to be more like Christ, we have to care for people from our hearts not just from our minds and our wallets. Jesus said loving others is one of the key characteristics of a Christ follower. It is up to us to show kindness through compassion to those that need it.

The other component, empathy, is very similar. Most people confuse this with sympathy but it isn't. It goes far deeper than that. Empathy involves us putting ourselves in the shoes of another... to feel what they feel and to experience what they experience at their emotional level. This is the very definition of tenderheartedness. It requires us to be emotional, connected, and dedicated to helping other people get through a crisis in their lives. Unfortunately, this is rarely seen.

Most people these days don't want to get involved. Let's dare to be different! Let's show kindness to those around us by demonstrating our compassion and empathy to the challenges that face them regardless of possible personal benefit. Remember, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for's the very least we can do to reciprocate that level of love and tenderheartedness in the lives of those that we are blessed to cross paths with.

WRITE it down: In your journals, write down the name of a person who has stepped into your life and shown compassion and or empathy. As you pray, thank God that they cared enough about you to show this level of kindness. If you have never experienced this, in your journal, write a prayer asking God to help you be that person in the life of someone who needs it.

See you tomorrow.
Pastor Brian

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