Sunday, June 29, 2008

Monday - "Action vs. Words"

Ephesians 4:32 (NLT)
“32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”

It seems as though many of us start the day with good intentions. We wake our quiet time...write in our journals...and pray. We get dressed and head into our day believing that this will be the day we act more like Christ.

Then you hit traffic...and the stress begins.

Our mood changes...our blood pressure increases...we start snapping at people for no reason. We know we should be kind, but life keeps changing that. We intend on building up others with our words, but instead the words prove to be weak. It takes more than words, it takes a commitment to act on those words.

For some this commitment is daily... for others, we need to be reminded of this every hour. What we do speaks so much louder than what we say. What message are you sending with your actions? Do you come off as patient and forgiving? Or do people see you as harsh and critical? Would your closest friends consider you kind? This week, commit to making sure that your actions line up with your words. Let's learn to walk the talk together.

WRITE IT DOWN: In your journal, ask God to show you specific times when what you're doing doesn't line up with what you're saying. Tonight, when you get home, review your day. Were you kind? If no, make a list of things you can do better tomorrow to show kindness.

See you tomorrow,
Pastor Brian

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