Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday - Fear of Relationship Change

Philippians 2:17-18 "...just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy. 18 Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share your joy."

When we share our story with others there is a real risk of our relationship with them changing. Now there are, of course, two ways of looking at this... positive change or negative change. So many of us assume that people are going to do what we talked about yesterday and reject us...thus causing negative change. However, I have found the opposite to be true in many cases:

1) People will appreciate the fact that you care about them enough to share what God is doing in your life. Your relationship with them will actually grow deeper with them...not more awkward or shallow. In this day and age, finding someone that actually wants to get involved in the life of another gets harder and can be that light in the otherwise dark world.

2) You may develop the reputation as the "religious" person in the family. Is that a bad thing? In my house, I am the one that people know as the one "connected" to God. All that means is that in times of crisis, I am the one they will gravitate towards when they need prayer or care. I've got to tell you... I LOVE that role. The great thing is that I can share my story with others and they can fulfill that role in the family right alongside me.

Overall, sharing your story will indeed change the relationship dynamic...but the question is...who is it more important to please...people or God?

Food for thought this morning...

Pastor Brian

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