Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Take Heart

John 16:33 "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

This morning, let's look at the list you made yesterday...what were the top 3 "giants" that you are facing? Didn't make your list yet? Go ahead...I'll wait...


Got your list? Great! Now let's get to work!

Read today's scripture again...notice the words...it doesn't say you might have troubles. It doesn't even say you probably will have troubles... it says you WILL have MANY trials and sorrows. Is that true in your life? It certainly is in mine! So many believe that when they accept Christ as Lord and Savior that their troubles will go away. As you may already know, that certainly isn't the case. You will have challenges that seem insurmountable. They will seem impossible. They will be giant.

The list you hold in your hand is full of giants. Elements of your life that you aren't sure you'll ever get through... Let's look at the 2nd part of the verse: "But take heart, because I have overcome the world." I love that expression..."take heart" What does that mean?

It simply means...be encouraged. Never forget Who is in control. Remember past victories that God has led you through. Think about how powerful God is. Understand that the Creator of the universe is running your life specifically. Never give up hope. Always give up control to Him.

Take your list of 3 things...and write this verse above it. Underline it in your Bibles. It is such a source of hope when things seem at their bleakest. God overcame the world...He can, in His own time, defeat the biggest problems in your life. We must stay patient, stay connected to Him, and never forget how much He cares about us.

See you in the morning...

Pastor Brian

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