Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday - "Getting Approval"

Matthew 3:17 "And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."

I remember playing my first soccer game. I wasn't a great player, but I managed to make the starting team. I was so proud to put on my socks, shin guards, and jersey at all of 7 years old. I took the field and played my little heart out...and what do you think I did when the game was over? I immediately turned and looked up into the bleachers to see if I could spot my parents. I really wanted them to be smiling and proud of me. The score didn't was those affirming words from my proud parents that meant so much.

That trend choice of a bride...I sought their approval and encouragement. So many of us are the exact same way. We want to make our parents happy with us. We want validation and approval. My question is...whose approval do we really need?

God gave that to His Son that day after His baptism. God told the world that He was pleased with His Son in no uncertain terms. Jesus knew that His Father loved Him...but just hearing those words must have been incredibly special. When our approval comes from God...we feel the same way.

Many of you may feel like God could never say those words about you. Maybe you've screwed up or failed in some way. Maybe you haven't prayed like you think you should...or damaged a relationship that you think is irreparable. Perhaps you've been seeking the approval of a parent for decades and it's never come. Many of us spend years doing nothing emotionally, spiritually, or sometimes physically while we wait for our decisions to be approved by someone in our lives. We put our lives into neutral and sit stagnant. We've got to decide today...whose approval are we after? Should we spend our time seeking the thumbs-up from a parent...or live with the understanding that we seek the approval of God for our lives.

It's my point that we need to please God. Live our lives trying to make Him smile... spend our time learning what He wants for our lives and then doing it. The sooner we realize that the applause that we seek doesn't need to come from the bleachers but from Heaven...the better our lives will be.

See you for prayer Friday,
Pastor Brian

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a great teaching - thank you!