Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday - "Real Life"

In the world of computing, once in awhile you see the acronym WYSIWYG (pronounced: wizz E wig). This stands for "What You See Is What You Get"... The program has been written so that whatever you are typing into an application or document is exactly what someone might see on the screen or out of the printer. No surprises or know exactly what to expect.

As we wrap up our look at being authentic..."naked" and real...I want you to think about this question... how many real people do you know? How many of your friends and family would you consider to be WYSIWYG?

In this week's scripture from John...Jesus is the perfect example of being real. He didn't pretend to be someone He wasn't...He didn't bend the truth to project an image...and He didn't allow the opinions of those around Him to change His way of doing things. Jesus is genuine. He got down on his hands and knees and scrubbed the feet of the men He was pouring His life into. A perfect example of leadership, humility, grace, and servanthood. Why was this so easy for Christ to do? Because it was who He is....

Pretending to act like somebody you aren't requires too much valuable energy. It distorts your thinking, ruins your ability to have authentic relationships, and forces you to remember which persona goes with which group of people. Lies breaks...and people begin to attach themselves to the you from your brain rather than the you that's in your heart.

Dare to be different. Shed the artificial skin and embrace the way the all-knowing Christ created you to be. The Bible calls us "wonderfully made" and a "masterpiece". Why cover up God's handiwork with a cloud of fakery and deceptiveness. It make take some digging to find the real you again...but it's worth it. Discover who God made you to be and live it real.

See you tomorrow,
Pastor Brian

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