Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday - Prayer Day!

Good morning! As we spend some time alone with God today, let's lift up these in prayer:

1) Pray for this weekend. People are thinking about coming to church for the first time or returning from a long time away...pray that they convince themselves that reconnecting to church is the right thing to do

2) Pastor Troy and his family are traveling on vacation. Please pray for safe travel for them as well as a time for them to recharge and relax.

3) Scott Williams from will be speaking here this weekend. He is an incredible leader and could use your prayers as he works on his message

4) The Internet Campus....your campus....pray for a technical glitch-free weekend.

5) The Internet Campus volunteers and leaders - pray for us to do what God has called us to do

I am praying for each of you that read this devotional so faithfully. Thanks so much for spending this time here daily...I hope that these devotionals are helping you as you continue (or start) your walk with Christ.

Pastor Brian

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