Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday - This Weekend

NOTE - I am posting Friday a bit early because I am flying home today and won't be at my computer.... :-)

Greetings Internet Campus,

Rather than recap this week...I'd like you to take today's devotional time and just pray. This weekend we are talking about conflict. Relational conflict can be challenging in the best of circumstances....

Do you know anyone who struggles dealing with conflict? I sure do. Me. I don't enjoy it in the slightest...but it's necessary if I want to grow. As you pray today ask yourself these three questions...

1) Who in my life needs my prayer right now to handle conflict better?
2) Who am I in conflict with...pray for that person...
3) Where did I learn how to handle conflict? Was that a good or a bad thing?

Prepare your hearts and minds for a challenging and unbelievable weekend!

See you on campus!
Pastor Brian

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome site Brian!