Monday, August 25, 2008


2 Tim 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

This weekend, Pastor Troy talked about the land of "Hold Out" and the land of "Sold Out" In other words, going from a life of excuses to a life of excellence...completely giving your life to Christ. What are some of the things that hold people back from full commitment to a life that honors Jesus? Let's dig in...

I remember going to Boy Scout camp one summer. When all the scouts arrived, immediately they were taken to the waterfront and told to get into swimming trunks. The instructor told us that we were going to take a swimming test by jumping in to the murky deep lake and swimming some predetermined length. If we could swim there...turn around...swim back using the backstroke...and float for 1 minute...we would be awarded our swimming badge and could use the pools and watercraft all summer long. If not, we were considered a "white level" swimmer and were not allowed near any pools or the lake. I was not a strong swimmer (and still not today) so I decided during the trials that I would not even jump in. That water was deep! Who knew what might be lurking under the surface! What if I sank to the a cramp...swallowed that murky stuff...couldn't float...what if I.... you get the point. I didn't do it. All summer long I sat on the bank of the lake and watched all my friends have the summer of their lives while I reaped the results of my fears.

I think a lot of us live that way today. The reason we don't totally "sell out" to God is because we are afraid to... What if He won't catch me if I fail? I can't see around the next corner...what if I am ruined? What happens if I start to will I know He's there? All these fears go through our minds. So we sit on the banks of life and watch our friends have all the great experiences. It's time to jump in.

What is God calling you to do? What do you know you are supposed to risk, try, or challenge yourself with? What are you afraid of? Rejection? Failure? Not knowing enough? Not being enough? Still running from a past? I've got good news for you...if you want to get to the land of "Sold Out"... if you want to really are two words that you HAVE to grab a hold of...

total trust.

Easier said than done in many cases.... But I see so many people who trust God only until they start to sink a little...and then they begin to flail...and then begin to sink. Put simply...they give up because they can't give up control of their lives to God.

He's stronger than any to hold us up when we sink...hold back what lives just under the murky water of life... He gives us reason to keep swimming...

That summer, I didn't sell out to the idea that I could pass the test. I missed out. Are you tired of missing out on what God has for you in your life? Quit wondering and start trusting. You'll be an ace swimmer in no time.

See you tomorrow,
Pastor Brian

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