Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday - "Watch Your Words"

"You are beautiful, my darling, beautiful beyond words. Your eyes are like doves behind your veil. Your hair falls in waves, like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead. Your teeth are as white as sheep, recently shorn and freshly washed. Your smile is flawless, each tooth matched with its twin. Your lips are like scarlet ribbon; your mouth is inviting. Your cheeks are like rosy pomegranates behind your veil." Song of Solomon 4:1-3 (NLT)

Communication is incredibly vital in any relationship. Many times we forget the power that our words can have in diffusing a situation or creating an environment of understanding. As we work this week on creating romance...let's keep in mind the benefits of choosing the right words.

Look at today's verse...the man here is describing his mate with words that are both detailed and complementary. You can tell in the reading that the speaker has carefully thought out each phrase and expression of love. There are two important tips in this passage that can help us with our own romantic pursuits...

1) Think before you speak - Creating romance starts long before the first kiss. Throughout the day, carefully think through your word choices. Use complements and encouraging phrases. Build up the person that you are with...establish an atmosphere of trust and admiration. The only way to achieve this is to think through how what you are saying will be taken. Don't waste words or talk just for talking's sake...pick your times to chat and make sure that you are using that time to its most effective degree.

2) Eliminate Cutting Remarks - This one speaks for itself...it's hard to have romantic thoughts and tendencies when your beloved is being sarcastic. Playful teasing is fine...but when it comes down to it...the mood should be uplifting and light rather than attacking and painful.

Spend some time today really thinking about this area of romance. Ask yourself...Am I using my words properly to create a feeling of closeness? Or are my words doing more harm than good...

Be honest with yourself...and I'll see you tomorrow,
Pastor Brian

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