Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday - "Priorities"

In my many years as a married man...I have come to realize that there is nothing more important for my relationship with my wife than time. If I ever hope to be romantic or sincere or worthy of her trust...I need to make special and specific time for just us. No agendas....just a personal time set aside to help our relationship grow.

I don't always do that well.

Sometimes things just get in the way...a meeting...fatigue...lack of focus...poor planning... all are culprits in my neglect. None of these are valid excuses. I've learned that romance begins when my concern for myself ends. When I put aside my selfishness and focus only on her...that love that began so long ago grows even stronger.

Many men claim that they are simply "not romantic". My response to them is always the are not romantic because you choose not to be. And it's not just men...women can be the same way... we spend time and effort on what we think are important.

That goes for our spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend....and our relationship with God.

If we take today's devotional to a spiritual level... ask yourself these questions:

1) Am I setting aside a specific time everyday to get to know God better?
2) Is there anything distracting me from my relationship with God?
3) Is my spiritual life important enough for me to change my priorities to make it better?

As we have learned this week...any relationship takes time and effort to make it grow and flourish... We need to keep in mind that if our spiritual development suffers...we are going to struggle relationally with those God has given us to love...

Let's learn together!

Pastor Brian

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