Friday, July 4, 2008

Friday - Prayer

To those reading from the United States...Happy Independence Day! To those that aren't...happy 4th of July!

Thanks for being with us this week as we've looked at kindness. It is my prayer that each of you actively pursue kindness this week...growing more like Christ as a result. As we head into the weekend, let's pray for the following:

1) Pray for this weekend as we start the new series, "My Naked"
2) Pray for Pastor Troy as he travels back from Orlando. Pray for his continued healing from his back surgery.
3) Pray for the volunteers and leaders on the Internet Campus
4) Pray for those that will hear the message this weekend and come face to face with accepting Christ for the first time..pray that they follow the nudge of the Holy Spirit and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior
5) Pray for all of those who submitted prayer requests throughout the week

Thanks again for staying with me this week...see you on the Internet Campus!

Pastor Brian

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