Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday - Joy

This morning, let's meditate on these thoughts from author Maxine Moses...

"... weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5b

Sometimes the night (season) seems to last so long. Daylight breaks yet; the weeping and darkness seem unending. Still, you carry on with a smile- though it may be just a façade. Inside your world has crumbled and all your hope seems to be fading, fast.

Then, at last morning breaks through. The world seems so much brighter and your burden feels ten times lighter. Finally its morning, joy has come. Immeasurable and uncontainable joy! It is unspeakable joy and full of glory. Not half empty but full, to the brim and running over -- flooding your soul.

Joy is a most beautiful place that transcends time and space.

“Lord, I thank you for the times of sorrow and weeping in my life. Had it not been for those dark seasons, I would not know true joy which comes from You! Lord, I pray that this joy would remain.”

(copied from

Is it morning in your life? If not...hold on, pray, NEVER give up! God wants your joy to return...

See you tomorrow,
Pastor Brian

1 comment:

Tami said...

When I am in the "night" I play a little game.... I begin to list the things that I have experienced or witnessed as evidence of God's unfailing ability to take the night away and turn it into a sunrise so incredibly beautiful that it brings joy to not only your life, but those around you. And when I do that.... God's light shines and my "night" doesn't seem so dark... for I know, just as the sun rises each day on this earth, the sun will also rise with that same predictability in my own life in His time and under His guiding hand.