Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday "Fear vs. Joy"

1 John 4:18 (TM) "There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love"

What is today going to hold? If you are reading this devotional at night...what is tomorrow going to be like? Any ideas? I would bet that there are many of you reading this right now that are afraid of the future. I'm not talking about years from now...I'm thinking about tomorrow. How are you going to be able to deal with all of the things that the world is going to throw your way?

How can you have joy when you are afraid? Simple. You really can't. Fear means that faith is not where it needs to be. Your inner joy suffers...

What are you afraid of? Not having enough? Failing health? Success? Failure? Relationship breakdown? Abandonment? Abuse? Unemployment? Money? Bills? Family?

If any of these are the cause of your fear...I have good news. If you are a are on the winning side. Scripture tells us that Christ has already overcome the world...everything that you are afraid of is in God's hands. He's already on it.


Christ died and rose again so that we can boldly live! We need to always remember that when it seems darkest in our life and we are trembling in fear...Jesus Himself glows the brightest. Remember what we talked about a little while ago... when we are weak..He (Jesus) is strongest.

Take a stand today... Get your joy back... You serve a big God who loves you unconditionally. That should ALWAYS be the source of that never-ending joy!

Write it Down: Make a list of 5 things you are afraid of. Say a prayer and thank God that He wants to replace your fear with faith in Him!

See you tomorrow!
Pastor Brian

1 comment:

Tami said...

"Fear means that your faith is not where it needs to be." The last year of my life I have been learning this very lesson. Over and over again... Now I know that when I begin to feel not right, when fears begin to crop up, when the little struggles in life seem like big ones.... that's when I know I am out of sync with God.

I spend time each day with God. But sometimes the devil, maybe knowing I am extra busy that day, or dealing with just a bit more than usual in my personal life, starts throwing things at me in rapid succession and I begin to loose sight of JOY and begin to be that glass 1/2 empty sort of person I don't want to be. That's when I KNOW I must spend even MORE time with God. And I have learned that all I have to do is go to Him, in prayer, or reading the Bible.... that's ALL I have to do to turn it around and renew a right perspective in my life.