Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday - "Devotion"

Greetings Internet Campus,

Acts 2:42 (ESV) “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

DEVOTION: A decision made once and managed daily.

Who or what are you devoted to? What decision have you made that you have to remember to follow daily? For many it is a diet....or an attitude change. Still for others it is a commitment to enjoy life more...or tell a loved one that you care about them. Devotion is a commitment. It must be managed and maintained each and every day... but it isn't always easy.

If you are a devoted spouse...your husband/wife comes first. If you are a devoted employee...the company takes first priority. Devoted family member? You know that your weekend will be spent babysitting your nephews or helping Uncle Earl move. Devotion requires a few things to maintain.

1) Love
2) Sacrifice
3) Dedication

How does this apply to this week's topic of generosity? Are you a devoted tither? Let's look at the short list of qualifications... Do you love God and put Him first in your life? Are you sacrificing some of your "wants" so that tithing is even a possibility? Are you dedicated to giving 10% no matter what the bills add up to? That's what being devoted to giving means. If God is first priority in your life...just like we talked about yesterday...He has to be first priority in your finances. It's a one time decision managed daily.

I'm praying for each of you in this...have a great Thursday!
Pastor Brian

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