Tuesday, April 29, 2008

His Needs, Her Needs...the list 4-29-08

Greetings Internet Campus,

Today, I want to list out the basic needs of men and women in marriage according to the book that Pastor Troy mentioned, "His Needs, Her Needs"
  1. The First Thing She Can't Do Without - Affection
  2. The First Thing He Can't Do Without - Sexual Fulfillment
  3. She Needs Him To Talk To Her - Conversation
  4. He Needs Her To Be His Playmate - Recreational Companionship
  5. She Needs Him To Trust Him Totally - Honesty and Open-ness
  6. He Needs A Good-looking Wife - An Attractive Spouse
  7. She Needs Enough Money To Live Comfortably - Financial Support
  8. He Needs Peace And Quiet - Domestic Support
  9. She Needs Him To Be A Good Father - Family Commitment
  10. He Needs Her To Be Proud Of Him - Admiration
A little different approach to the devotional this morning... My challenge to you is to spend your quiet time really looking at this list. Pick one or two things that your spouse needs and pray over them. Ask yourself these three questions:

A) What can I do to better meet this need for my spouse?
B) How can I better communicate that I understand this need in him/her?
C) Evaluate in three days...how am I doing with this?

It is my prayer today that your marriage thrives. When both teammates are trying to meet the needs of the other...the relationship will succeed.

See you tomorrow...don't forget Online Small Group on Thursday @ 7PM (EST) (GMT-5)
Pastor Brian

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